24 Nov 2011

Dating the American Way

Having spent a year of my University career in America, I was shocked to discover that amongst the Frat parties and Sorority girls that there was a whole other scene that was totally alien to me. Dating.

Don't get me wrong I have dated before, but the Americans seem to have it down to a finely tuned art. Those Americans who think that Europe or British guys are going to be romantic, poetic, charming and Shakespearian-esque, I am sorry to be the bringer of bad news. Until my recent online exploits I had probably only ever been on dates with guys who were my boyfriends or at least were my boyfriends after said date, that's how it works right? Well apparently not.

Back home it works like so, a guy can like you or vice versa for weeks/months before you both get sufficiently drunk to profess your admiration for the other one. You share a snog. Maybe have a drunken fondle and MAYBE a date will come of it...if you can pluck up the courage to declare your feelings again, once sober. Not in America. The American confidence that they all seem to possess kicks in. I was asked on dates not only by sober guys, but during the day time too. Literally seemed to be a case of, "hey, I've seen you around campus, you're cute, can I get your number and maybe we can go out sometime". Simple as it seemed, it was not only effective but more romantic than any chat up line I've had from a British guy.

Guys at home also seem to assume that if YOU ask THEM on a date that, heaven forbid you are totally obsessed with them and planning your pending wedding, you have the kids named and the "I Love You" text on standby. Chill out ! A date is a date is a date. If I want to have a drink with you it's because I want to get to know you, not marry you. This is a concept that American guys on the other hand can relate to.

Not only that but once on these dates they seemed to be perfect gentlemen, picking you up, even opening doors and ushering you through, chivalry is not dead over the pond my friends. They would insist on paying, drive you home, and not try to get you into bed (at least not straight away). This was an alien world but I liked it. Sometimes you would even go on a few dates, have a good time but decide that it wasn't for you...and they were okay with that. Then afterwards they would not only still be civil with you and speak to you when they bumped into you but also seem okay with it when they found out you were going on a date with someone else. So civilised. But maybe I was just lucky.

I feel like Britain hit its romantic peak in the 16th century and since then has become a blubbering date-aphobic mess. Men here think the peak of being romantic is buying you a plastic rose from a street-seller outside a nightclub, or letting you share their kebab in the taxi home. American girls seem to think that European guys are going to be romantic like Hugh Grant or Colin Firth in their many a RomCom - I am yet to be whisked away to the country for a romantic 'get away'.  To summarise, I would choose a tanned American frat boy over a pale British lad any day - but then maybe everyone is simply attracted to the foreigner.


  1. I'm sorry but this couldn't be much further from the truth, there are still a large number of chivalrous men in the uk and even in central Scotland where many are perceived to be socially inept morons. I'm still young and to a man in my social group we all still go on dates for meals etc if we meet a nice girl. On these dates we expect to pay and in many cases insist on it, not only that but I personally make am effort to hold out the chair for the young lady and open doors not only for a young woman but any female and even males as it is common courtesy.

  2. hello :)
    dont know how old you are but i reckon this type of behaviour in britain is starting to make a come back with guys in their early to mid twenties. this said though at the moment tends to be more an exception rather than the rule and thats not just from personal experience. of course there are still chivalrous men about, just not as many as there seemed to be in america. maybe its a total HTBT thing haha.
    thanks for reading though :)
