13 Mar 2012

I Have Sex.

SEX. I have it. There - I said it.

This is sort of a continuation on from last weeks post as it got me thinking about how there appears to be a stigma attached to women being able to talk openly about sex outside of the comfortable bossum and confines of their social peers. Hear a girl say that she enjoys sex and the room goes quiet, all eyes on her as she sit there feeling like she may as well have just turned round and said that she likes to slaughter animals in her spare time. Why is it STILL such a subject of taboo.

Now I know that I have mentioned this family before and it's not very like this blog to talk about a particular individual for too long but in this instance I feel that not only that I must but that it is totally necessary. Khloe Kardashian. Yeah, I know, big Kardashian love as always. "But what have they done?" What HAVEN'T this family done...don't start you will only get a rant. Anyway. I digress, Khloe Kardashian is a young woman who is not afraid to talk about sex. Especially considering the amount of time that she spends in the public eye. She has every word she says, dress she wears, career move she makes, photo that's snapped, scrutinised to the enth degree.

I find it very refreshing and empowering that she openly discusses sex not only on the tv shows that she is in, but also on chat shows she goes on or radio shows she hosts. She married hubby Lamar Odom over 2 years ago now and, being a Kardashian and all, they have a spin-off show "Khloe and Lamar". On this show she has often made direct reference to her sex life, and in the most recent episode that I watched she actually goes out and buys a bunch of sex toys, outfits etc to make a sexy boudoir in her own home. Before this she often makes sex-orientated jokes in "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" and "Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami". And good on her I say. It isn't often that you hear a female, let alone a celebrity so openly talking about their sex lives, ups, downs, keeping things fresh with a new husband etcetc. I wish that this more the rule rather than the exception.

It made me think how people often respond if a regular girl (my wonderful friends and I mainly) if they overhear our conversations about sex and dating. It's still not entirely socially acceptable for us to talk like this, well...without people looking at us with a look in their eye that suggests *slut??*. Without really noticing I find myself lowering my voice if I'm talking about it in public, changing the subject if I'm near a sales assistant or if a waitress comes over to the table. Similarly, if I'm at a social occasion and guys are talking about sex and you decide to join in with their sex-banter this tends to go one of two ways. (1) They look at you or even make a comment to the effect of "why the hell are you joining in with this conversation." or (2) take it a bit TOO well and assume that because you have just made a comment about having sex that you must want to have sex with them right then and there.

Firstly - boys, if you are talking about sex and you are straight guess what...the other person in your little story was female, and was therefore having sex at the same time you were. So for a girl to make a comment about how she's had sex, this shouldn't shock you. Grow up. Secondly - why can't we joke about sex just like you can? Or mention that we like it. I think that it was established a loooong time ago that women can actually enjoy sex too and aren't just there are a sex vessel and/or baby oven. Have you not heard of Cosmopolitan, Sex in the City or Ann Summers?

It still seems to be the case that in the eyes of society that only the most promiscuous girls amongst us should be "allowed" to talk about sex in a public or social setting. That girls who enjoy having sex but don't want to have sex with everything that walks and has a penis should keep our feelings to ourselves. I really hope that this begins to change and that girls start to take a leaf out of Khloe's book and talk openly about sex cos guess what. I have sex, and I like it.

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